Monday, January 9, 2023

Dive Bars & Drinking Saloons of Central Jersey

Taverns where drinking takes precedence over food, if there even is any. Some are nice places with clean bathrooms while others have questionable sanitation. Quite a few are known for their food on a limited menu with tiny kitchens. All of them function as working class watering holes during the day while some have a younger crowd at night.

Liquor store bars make up a good deal of the list as they seem to have become the workhorse of the modern dive bar. There are quite a few I know only by reputation and bar stories. Let me know what I've missed or if you have some salient detail to add to yer favorite liquor fountain. 

Regardless, please don't write and tell me that your establishment is not a dive bar. If you let me drink there then...

I'd never belong to any club that would have me for a member.”      ~ Groucho Marx